Sunday, August 29, 2010

So last night...

I had such a great time. SUCH A GREAT TIME OH MY GOODNESS. I love country music. Mix that with some great people that, some of which, I haven't even met before, and you get an amazing night with some amazing and hilarious people.

I'm such a lucky girl, who's blessed with great friends. Whether it be sitting at someone's house watching a movie, or going to a Rascal Flatts concert, I always have an amazing time.

It all sucks though because I feel like I have like 10 different groups of friends. (Not really, that was totally exaggerated lol) But I feel like it. I hate it because when I hangout with one group, I always wonder what all my other friends are doing and if they're angry or upset I'm not there. I can't please everyone. I'm only one person. But I feel like there's something I need to do, and I'm going to do it. I realize that someone along the way, or multiple people, will confront me about it and think that I'm ditching my friends to hangout with other people but it's okay because I know that's not true. I know that I'm just doing this for ME. I want these people in my life, and I'm putting them there. I will always love every single one of my friends, and the ones that don't know that aren't really my friends I guess.

Well. Off to church.

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